Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Digital Photographic Practice. Ex.19. Correction.

Exercise 19. Correction.
Chosen the example from OCA resources.
Only the photographer or individuals with an intimate knowledge of the items can judge whether the spots,marks, intrusions etc. are part of the items or aliento them. If various marks are known to be a fault of the capture medium/method, then if morals are involved at all, it would be amoral not to remove
these marks for one assumes that the images
allege to represent a true copy of the actual items.






Chosen from OCA resourses.

Flare can be natural or artificial. A natural
example would be the setting sun bursting
through a cleft in a mountain top. Artificial
- obvious unnatural areas of light on an 
image, sometimes of a defined geometric
form such as polygonal. Unless introduced
for artistic reasons there is no moral reason
why these flaws should not be removed.  
The removal of natural flare can only be
considered amoral if the provenance of 
the image is intended to defraud.            
The octagonal patches on this image are
obviously flaws and should be removed.


      I have used the Clone tool.  

                                          Flare removed.


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